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Signal Processing: Block Statistics (Peak Detect)

The Block Statistics and Peak Detection Module implements a widely used data analysis and reduction technology in hardware. Each block is scanned for its minimum and maximum peak and a summary date set that includes the minimum, maximum, average, timestamps and position information is stored in memory.


  • BlockPeak detection and Statistics functions are performed in the onboard FPGA
  • Achieve data reduction and shorter transfer times to the host PC
  • No waveform length limit (up to the size of the on-board memory)
  • Throughput of more than 5,000,000 waveforms per second
  • Peak detection is performed simultaneous on all channels
  • Fully compatible with Star-Hub synchronization
  • Dead time between waveforms: 40 samples: 80 ns at 500 MS/s
  • or 400 ns at 100 MS/s
  • Fully compatible with Spectrum API which allows programming
  • with C/C++, Delphi, Basic, LabVIEW, MATLAB and many more.
  • Available for all high-speed digitizers based on M4i technology
  • Block Statistics function runs with Multiple Recording and Gated Sampling

The complete Block Statistics and Peak Detection process is done inside the FPGA of the digitizer producing no CPU load at all. This data reduction process decreases the amount of data that needs to be transferred to the host PC further reducing CPU demand and speeding up measurement times.

The signal processing firmware also includes the standard digitizer firmware so that normal digitizer operation can be performed with no limitations.

Waveform Block Statistics

WavformThe right side screenshot shows an example signal acquired with a M4i.4450-x8 14 bit 500 MS/s PCI Express digitzer. The following statistics information is gained in hardware from the signal and stored as a summary for every segment acquired:

  • Average Value (Sum of all acquired samples)
  • Minimum Value
  • Maximum Value
  • Minimum Value Position
  • Maximum Value Position
  • Trigger Timestamp Position

Please click the picture to enlarge it.




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