Version 1.10 of 27th February 2015
- [FW-109] Added Block statistic for 8 Bit Cards
- [FW-91] Bug-Fix: Ext Trig with re-arm not triggering on fast signals crossing both levels at once
- [FW-93] Bug-Fix: Trigger engines are not correctly mapped when generating trigger source mask
- [FW-94] Bug-Fix: Wrong triggers using gated sampling with high trigger frequency on synced card
- [FW-102] Bug-Fix: Segmented modes with 1Ch @ 5 GSps and pretrigger at minimum size results in incorrectly recorded segments
- [FW-108] Bug-Fix: 22xx Digital bits for Ch1 and Ch2 are swapped
- [FW-115] Bug-Fix: M4i.2220: corrupted digital bit @ > 1.25 GS/s
- [FW-116] Bug-Fix: Digital bits are only sampled with half the ADC sampling rate
- [FW-123] Bug-Fix: Sending stop command during segmented acquisition can shift the trigger positions of the next up to few hundred acquisitions
- [FW-127] Bug-Fix: 2xx: digital inputs incorrect, when sampling with 2.5 GSps or 5 GSps
- [FW-128]Bug-Fix: Incorrect triggers generated sampling with 2.5 GHz or 5.0 Ghz when using external trigger inputs