8 bit transient recorder up to 1 GS/s
- Models with 500 MS/s or 1 GS/s
- 1 or 2 channel versions
- Simultaneously sampling on all channels
- Separate monolithic ADC and amplifier per channel
- 8 input ranges: ±50 mV up to ±10 V
- Programmable input offset ±100%
- Window, re-arm, OR/AND trigger
- 512 MByte on-board memory (up to 4 GByte)
The M3i.21xx series offers 4 different versions ranging from 250 MS/s up to 1 GS/s with one or two channels. The powerful analog section has been designed for highest bandwidth together with best signal quality and a versatile highly configurable amplifier section. An extremely low dead time between segments in Multiple Recording mode specifies this card for fast repeating signals like LDA/PDA, RADAR or Ultrasound applications.
Product-Image | Name | Platform | Analog-In | Digital-In | Resolution | Samplerate | Bandwidth | Input Ranges | Impedance | Coupling | Input Type | User Offset | Memory (Max) | Synchronization | Feature | Options | |
Product-Image | Name | Platform | Analog-In | Digital-In | Resolution | Samplerate | Bandwidth | Input Ranges | Impedance | Coupling | Input Type | User Offset | Memory (Max) | Synchronization | Feature | Options |