Hardware Features
- Software
- SBench 6
SBench Sequence Script
SBench 6 can be controlled by simple text based scripts. A script can be given as start parameter to SBench 6. This allows to control SBench 6 from a batch file by calling SBench 6 together with a script file.
SBench 6 Script files are plain text files with the extension sb6seq. Each line contains one command.
Script Calling
The script is loaded during runtime using a start paramater:
SBench6.exe -example.sb6seq
- SB6_LOAD_PROJECT [File]: a project file sb6prj is loaded.The [File] paramter describes an absolue path (for example C:/Users/Spectrum/SB6_ApplicationData/projects/fft average/fft average.sb6prj. Please note that the installed card(s) must match the cards that are stored in the project file
- SB6_LOAD_CONFIG [File]. A configuration file sb6cfg is loaded. The [File] paramter describes an absolue path. Please note that the configuration files have been replaced by project files that contain more information. LOAD_CONFIG should only be used for older configuration files
- SB6_START_SINGLE: a single acqusition is started once. This can be a singleshot or a FIFO acquisition depending on the project setup
- SB6_START_LOOP: an acquisition loop is started. SBench 6 will immediately start the next acqusition after the last acquisition has been terminated. This will run forever until a stop command is issued or the software is terminated
- SB6_WAIT_SEC [Seconds]: the script waits for a specified number of seconds until the next command is issued
- SB6_WAIT_JOBS_DONE: the script waits until all current calculations and export commands have finished their job. This command is needed if multiple nested calculations are running after an acquisition
- SB6_STOP: all current acquisitions and calculations are stopped. SBench 6 goes back into idle state.
- SB6_APP_QUIT: SBench 6 program is quit
- SB6_LOOP_START [Loops]: the next part until LOOP_END is repeated a defined number of times.
- SB6_LOOP_END: closing command of a loop
Data Processing/
- SB6_EXPORT_DATA [ExportFormat] [FileName]. The current data is exported to file. Export format is set in the project file and can't be changed by the script. The [ExportFormat] defines one of the following export modes:
- SB6: standard SBench 6 file format *.sb6dat
- SB5: SBench 5 file format *.sb5
- BIN: Pure binary export *.bin
- WAV: export as wave file *.wav
- MATLAB: export as matlab file *.mat
- ASCII: ASCII export *.txt
- VCD: Value Change Dump export (digital files) *.vcd
- SB6_CALL_PROGRAM [Program] [Params]: an external program is called. The [Program] parameter describes an absolue path (for example C:/Users/Spectrum/SB6_ApplicationData/scripts/send acquisition file). The [Params] paramter describes a number of call parameters that are forwarded to the called program.
Single predefined acquisition. Data is stored according to project settings:
SB6_LOAD_PROJECT C:/Users/Spectrum/SB6_ApplicationData/projects/test1/test1.sb6pr
Do one acquisition per minute, store this as ASCII file and let an external program execute some further analysis on this. The whole process should run for 24 hours
SB6_LOAD_PROJECT C:/Users/Spectrum/SB6_ApplicationData/projects/test1/test2.sb6pr
SB6_EXPORT_DATA ASCII c:/testresults/testresult.txt
SB6_CALL_PROGRAM c:/testresults/analysis.exe -showresult