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SBench 6 Segmented DisplayThe segmented display is available automatically when showing segmented signals like they're generated by the Multiple Recording, Gated Sampling or ABA mode.

This display mode will show the segments of the signal incorporating timestamp values if acquired and allows additional navigation inside the signal based on the segments. Please check to have timestamp acquisition activated if you like to have the timestamp information of the signals shown.

As a standard all segments are shown on a correct time scale including the gaps where no acquisition has occurred. When using the segmented view a few more buttons are available to stack the signals on the time axis (not showing gaps) and to display/hide the timestamp information.

Segment Navigation

SBench 6 Segment NavigationA special feature of the segmented display are the segment navigation elements which are using the currently marked signal. With these one can jump from segment to segment to see differences at certain positions. The zoom factor and x offset is not changed thus showing the same position inside the segment but for a different segment as before.


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