SBench 6 is capable of doing a lot of calculations on the acquired or loaded data. Calculation results as well as cursor measurement functions are shown in the information window. Calculations can be used on different data types.
All calculation functions can either work on a whole signal, a signal part visible in a display window or on the signal part that is in between the measurement cursors. Using this technology one can exactly define which part of the signal is used as a source for the calculation.
Available calculation functions
SBench 6 is permanently enhanced by new calculation functions. Please check the latest software version to have access to all calculation functions. We at Spectrum are always open to add new calculation functions on customer request. Please check with our team what additional calculations are possible if you have the need for something not yet implemented.
This list gives you an overview of a part of the available calculation functions. There are many more included in SBench 6:
- Minimum, Maximum, Average, Peak-Peak, Effective, Slope, ...
- Cycle based Frequency, Period,, Duty Cycle, Width, Cycle Min, Cycle Max, ...
- RMS Noise
- Simple Signal Calculations (ADD, SUB)
- FFT: Amplitude, Phase and PSD (Power Spectrum Density)
- Histogram
- Function Generator
- Formula (Single Value)
- FIR Filters
- Conversion Functions (Analog to Digital, Digital to Analog)
- Signal Averaging, Segment Averaging
- Dynamic Parameters (SNR, THD, ...)
- Copy as Reference