SBench 6 has been designed to support all current Spectrum hardware with the different operation modes. The software has been optimized to get best performance out of the current hardware. SBench 6 also supports a lot of the older Spectrum hardware that has been released in the past 20 years with most of the operating modes.
Supported Products
- All digitizerNETBOX and generatorNETBOX products
- All hybridNETBOX products (separate software instance for generation and acquisition needed)
- Complete M2p card families
- Complete M4i and M4x card families
- Complete M5i card families
- Complete M3i and M3i Express card families
- Complete M2i and M2i Express card families
- All MC (CompactPCI 6U) acquisition card families (no output)
- All MX (PXI 3U) acquisition card families (no output)
Supported Features and Modes
- Standard acquisition to on-board memory
- Acquisition streaming to hard disk
- Standard replay from on-board memory including automatic data adjustment
- Replay streaming from hard disk including automatic data adjustment
- Multiple Recording with/without Timestamps in a special segmented display
- Gated Sampling with/without Timestamps in a special segmented display
- ABA mode with Timestamps in a special segmented display
- Multiple Replay/Gated Replay
- Firmware features block averaging and boxcar averaging are fully supported
- Sequence Replay Mode is not supported by SBench 6
- All external and internal trigger settings
- All external and internal clock settings
- BaseXIO is not supported by SBench 6