The sampling clock is the basic setting for the acquisition and signal generation. All clock modes of the hardware can be selected here. Sampling clock can either be entered in Hertz (Hz) or as the time interval between two samples. A simple click on the Clock/Time button changed between the two different input modes.
Settings are adjusted automatically to the best matching and nearest value taking the possibilities of the hardware into account.
If using an external sampling clock this setup dialog defines the sampling interval for the displayed signals.
Synchronization and divided sampling clock
When using several synchronized cards SBench 6 offers - if supported by the hardware - to use them with different clocks where the slave cards get a divided master clock for sampling. This allows mixed sampling frequencies to have fast channels and slow channels in one system, still synchronized by the master clock.
The standard setup is a synchronized clock for all cards with no needs to do additional setup. All channels run with the same speed with no skew between them.